The 2005 DW Scavenger Study was conducted in August of 2005 and set out to examine whether scavenging still occurs in urban Luanda and on its periphery. While illustrating that scavenging activities have shifted to the periphery of the city, this report will also analyze the positions of ELISAL, urban waste management, VIDRUL, as well as multinational and domestic beverage manufacturers in terms of sustainable waste management as it relates to recycling. The trajectory of recycling has been altered since Development Workshops’ 1997 Scavenger Study. The death of UNITA’s rebel leader in 2002 effectively ended Angola’s civil war. This has resulted in Luanda’s economy to be able to receive commerce and global flows, in this process many partnerships within recycling have been formed within the informal and formal sector. This 2005 diagnostic study will also detail the process of recycling in the informal sector and formal sector.
The DW 2005 Scavenger Study followed the 1997 DW Scavenger Study’s framework in terms of accumulating data. Data derived from the periphery sites of Mulenvos, Soares de Costas, and Golfe II. (Gamek) was gathered during two afternoon field visits (weekday only). Data collected from the urban center was accumulated during morning and afternoons field site visits over a five-day period (weekday only). Elisal told DW that their contracted waste agencies pick up waste on the three following routes; Isle; Cidade Baixa; Cidade Alta, hence those spaces were chosen by DW to observe the scavenging activity. DW’s 1997 Scavenger Study Questionnaire4 was used for all interviews conducted with scavengers at the urban and peri-urban sites. The Development Workshop Policy & Monitoring staff created two more questionnaires in August 2005 for interviews conducted with employees and senior staff of Elisal, Vidrul, Aguas Bom Jesus and other national and multinational companies.
Soares de Costas, de-activated municipal dumpsite, Luanda, August 2005: