Ondaka is a community newspaper published in Portuguese and Umbundu for communities in the Planoalto Central of Angola.
A Voz de Cacuaco
A Voz de Cacuaco is a community newspaper serving the interests of communities in the Cacuaco area of Luanda.
Ecos do Heneda
Ecos do Heneda: Jornal Coumintário do
Município do Cazenga is a community
newspaper for Cacuaco, Luanda residents.
Inforsambila: Jornal Comunitário do Sambizanga is a community newspaper fpr Sambizanga, Luanda residents.
Journal Humbi-Humbi
Journal Humbi-Humbi is a community newspaper on Action for Rural Development and the Environment.
Reconversão is a community journal published bimonthly by the Technical Office of the communities of Cazenga,
Sambizanga and Rangel in Luanda.