Friday Debates
DW invites a guest speaker to give a presentation followed by a debate each Friday at our Luanda office. Listen to an audio recording for each one here.
Housing Finance
DW hosts or participates in a variety of local and international workshops, conferences, panels and forums on housing finance in Angola. Listen to an audio recording of each one here.
Urban Debates
DW hosts or participates in a variety of local and international workshops, conferences, panels and forums on urban issues in Angola. Listen to an audio recording of each one here.
Social Security for All Forum
On April 19, 2013 DW and partner Oxfam Novib hosted a Round Table on the theme “Social Security for All” as part of the Sustainable Livelihoods Project.
Sustainable Urban Planning Training Program
In 2012 members of DW’s staff and the Gabinete Técnico para a Reconversão de Cazenga e Sambizanga participated in an online Sustainable Urban Planning Training Program.
Training Courses
DW staff have led and participated in a variety of training courses on topics including Conflict Resolution, Social Media, Community Development and Urban Management. Listen to audio recording here.
Urban Forum
A digital space for dialogue between communities and the local government in Angola on planning and development and as a platform to share information on basic services and infrastructure.
Cazenega Forum
A digital space for dialogue between communities and local government in the Cazenga district of Luanda about planning and development. Local journalists contribute regularly to a blog.
Cacuaco Forum
A platform for sharing information on basic services in Cacuaco created by members of the Forum Cacuaco through mapping and assessments with urban residents. Local journalists contribute regularly to a blog.
Viana Forum
A digital space for dialogue between communities and local governments in Viana on planning and development. Local journalists contribute regularly to a blog.
Staff Blog
Started as an English language training tool, the Staff Blog features updates on our current projects, events, workshops and training sessions.