Angola’s history of chronic conflict dates back to the beginning of the 1961 liberation war through to the ceasefire in 2002. In an effort to minimize potential social conflict prior to the 2008 and 2009 elections, Development Workshop together with its civil society and church-based partners developed a series of programs aimed at encouraging dialogue and tolerance among local actors and war-affected communities in each of Angola’s 18 provinces.
DW’s peacebuilding programme was launched in December 1998 during the same month that the Lusaka Peace Process collapsed and Angola entered its final destructive phase of conflict. DW hosted a meeting of the major civil society and religious institutions including CICA, CEAST, AEA and FONGA resulting in the founding of the Angola Peacebuilding Programme (PCP). In the post-war period the PCP focused its energies on reconciliation of communities and reintegration of demobilized soldiers and their families. The PCP partners joined forces in the period leading up to elections in order to ensure that the democratic process would not provoke local conflicts and lead to a breakdown in the peace process as had the last elections in 1992.
In 2005 DW and its former PCP member institutions, mounted a renewed partnership focused on Civic Education. Via electoral training, education, adult literacy, conflict resolution and instituting organized participative planning at the local community level, DW has successfully supported its partners’ work of preparing Angola for elections.
Sobre a Paz
Angola vai transmitir a experiência sobre a cultura da paz e o diálogo inter-religioso, no âmbito da Conferência Internacional sobre a Paz a ser realizada de 17 a 19 deste …
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O papel das igrejas na obra de reconciliação, justiça e uma sociedade inclusiva.
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At about midnight on Thursday, the 5th of December DW’s director Allan Cain was en route to Johannesburg when Nelson Mandela’s death was announced on the airport display screens. The …
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Development Workshop em parceria com a ACCORD coordenou o seminário da Parceria Global para a Prevenção de Conflitos Armados (GPPAC) no escritorio de DW em Luanda, nos dias 10 e …
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The project was evaluated by the EU in 2010 in a Result Oriented Monitoring visit. The program received good to very good grades in all areas. In February 2007 DW’s …
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O relatório elaborado por CSVR e Development Workshop e CSVR sobre os mecanismos da Justiça Transicional que existem em Angola foi lançado em Luanda no mês de Março de 2009. …
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Managed by 12 different community groups, Development Workshop founded a peace project that promotes open dialogue at the local level to encourage peaceful conflict resolution. Finished in 2009.
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The Civic and Electoral Education Project has its roots in PEC (Civic Education Project) which was originally conceived post the ceasefire to work with ex-combatants. The Civic Education Project evolved …
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Author: Jon Schubert. Qual é o significado de eleições em Angola? Parece claro que depois de quase trinta anos de guerra civil, a transição para a democracia constitui um enorme …
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Author: Paul Robson. Qual é o significado de eleições em Angola? Parece claro que depois de quase trinta anos de guerra civil, a transição para a democracia constitui um enorme …
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