Access to land markets for housing and urban development continues to be both a challenge and an opportunity. Since its independence in 1975, and most notably since the end of the war, in 2002, Angola has undertaken to create a suitable legal framework to address the complex issues related to land access in the country. In 2004, the country promulgated a new law on land that has sought to strengthen areas taken as weakness in previous legislation. During the following decade a set of new legislation and regulations was published, covering issues such as concessions, and the functions of the local levels of government in the administration of land. However, ten years later, in December 2014, a national consultation on issues of land, led by private organizations came to the conclusion that the Land Law 9/04, did not deliver the expected results. Two key areas that have not been addressed in the legislation are the administration of land in peri-urban areas where the majority of the urban population live without the formal ownership and the regulation of customary land rights, particularly in rural areas.