Between 2007 and 2009 DW carried out a research program expanding and building upon its strong record of both sector-specific and broad baseline research to begin to develop a comprehensive and cross-sector integrated study of the Angolan informal economy. Knowledge about the Angolan informal economy remains fragmented and partial at best. While recent studies conducted (or collaborated in) by DW have provided some basic baseline information about the informal market’s structural profile (i.e. categorization by sector of activities, relative rates of participation by sector), as well as more in-depth knowledge about specific sectors (such as the dynamics of informal peri-urban land markets), there is a vital need for a more comprehensive documentation and analysis of the Angolan informal economy as an integrated whole, of how it is being transformed by the new challenges and opportunities emerging since the war, and of how these changes are affecting the livelihoods of the millions of Angolans whose livelihoods depend upon it.
Cross-sector Study on Production and Marketing Proposal
Housing Study Narrative: Peri-urban private renting housing market in Luanda
The Informal Peri-Urban Water Sector Narrative