Robin Nielsen. Published in Reports on Foreign Aid & Development, Number 125. Development Workshop worked with ARD and its partner, the Rural Development Institute (RDI) to implement a program supported by USAID called “Strenghtening Land Tenure and Property Rights in Angola”. The program implemented between 2006 and 2008 aimed at helping the Angolan Government to address land tenure and property rights issues early on in the post-conflict strategy of national development. Land access, land possession, and land rights (land tenure) are among the most significant issues confronting post-conflict Angola, as they typically affect displaced peoples and returning combatants. The sequence of land reforms leading to secure land tenure and property rights contributes to good local governance, economic growth, and sustainable natural resources use.The project has set the groundwork for land concessions, eventual land tenure regularisation, land markets, sustainable agricultural development, and economic growth. This report explores both the formal and customary laws that affect women’s property rights, examines issues of widowhood, divorce, polygamy and girl’s inheritance and provides recommendations for strengthening women’s rights to land.