Development Workshop has been involved for a number of years in developing programmes of community service provision, water, sanitation, school facilities upgrading and women’s micro-economic activities in the peri-urban ‘musseques’ of Luanda, Angola. DW wishes to develop monitoring tools to measure the impact of its programme interventions and other external and environmental factors on the well-being of communities in the areas of programme intervention. DW is therefore developing information tools appropriate for rehabilitation and policy-making in marginalised peri-urban communities of Luanda through the design of a Geographical Information System for monitoring environmental and social impact:
This report is the result of an expert mission on GIS for Development Workshop Angola, on funding arranged by NIZA, Netherlands. The main objective of the mission was to assess DW proposals for the introduction of Geographic Information Systems within their offices in Luanda and Huambo. The mission stayed in Angola from 22 June to 7 July 1999. A scheduled visit to Huambo (on the central plateau) had to be cancelled for security reasons, so the mission has remained in Luanda throughout the whole period. Most work was carried out at DW’s Luanda office, with visits to relevant organisations, and one field trip to the peri-urban areas where most of DW’s activities take place:
Overall recommendations for Database Management, Tony Moloney, 2002: I have spent the past few weeks doing a practical exercise of taking field data from a live project and attempting to spatially represent the data outputs and summaries it in a GIS program called Mapinfo. The objective was to see the practical problems that I would have in doing so and also see why DW has so far failed to successfully exploit the tool. I won’t attempt to make any long term objectives in this document but will rather concentrate on a realistic 3 month shock action plan (called ‘I want GIS now’) to kick start the process. At the end of that three month, if the objectives are realised, then I suggest the hiring of an expert consultant to make a further 1 year action plan:
Project Actual Achievements against Planned and Modified Objectives:
Projeto Ficha de Dados 2000:
Sistema de informação para a reabilitação e elaboração de políticas nas comunidades peri-urbanas marginalizadas de Luanda. Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica para controle do risco ambiental. Avaliação do risco ambiental urbano: