The purpose of the research project is: 1) To investigate the progress with the key post-conflict processes in Angola through reviewing the main literature, interviewing key informants and carrying out local levels studies in four different areas of Angola. 2) To test and adapt systems of information collection for continuously tracking progress in creating a sustainable peace and for monitoring and mapping the risks of renewed conflict. 3) To assess (through local levels studies in four different areas of Angola) the strengths and weaknesses of local organisations and institutions (civil society, local government and traditional/community organisations) and how prepared they are to meet the challenges of the post-conflict transitions and processes. 4) To assess the key challenges and risks to peace through analysing the progress with key post-conflict processes in Angola, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of local organisations and institutions and investigating other possible risks. 5) To disseminate the results of these assessments; to raise public and donor awareness of the challenges of creating a sustainable peace in Angola. and the need to consolidate peace after a cease-fire.
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