This study presents quantitative and qualitative findings gathered in the peri-urban areas of Luanda from December 2001 to January 2002 by Development Workshop. The study aimed to trace the profile of households encountered in the area with a particular attention to female-headed households. The attention given to gender is due to the few existing studies in this area and the importance to assess households dynamics through a gender lens.
Thus, the study attempted to answer a set of questions regarding the living conditions of household heads and children in particular in female-headed and male-headed households in regards to education, nutrition and involvement in economic activities to assess whether there is a transmission of disadvantages to children.
The study revealed that the majority of people in the research area lived in precarious conditions. Housing was observed to constitute a major problem due to scarce resources to improve/repairs, unclear housing policies and few available land to build. It showed that people are faced with a daily struggle to access social services. These are mostly found in the informal sector and were described as being of poor quality.