Development Workshop received a high-level mission from WaterAid during the week of 20th to 25th of May 2013 to consolidate a partnership program between the two organisations to work in Angola. The WaterAid team was lead by Timeyin Uwejamomere, WA’s Urban Technical Support Manager from London and Rosaria Mabica, WA’s Country Program Director from Mozambique. Tim Hayward from Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor and David Schaub-Jones from SeeSaw in Cape Town supported the WaterAid team. DW’s senior management and all of the members of the water and sanitation team participated in the workshop and the strategic planning. A five year program has been projected that includes the key objectives of: achieving equitable access to water and sanitation services for Angola’s poor living in cities and small towns; improving monitoring and mapping skills; building capacities of service providers; and strengthening the voices of consumers to advocate for their rights to water and basic services.
Rosaria Mabica presentation:
Timeyin Uwejamomere presentation on WaterAid strategy:
Timeyin Uwejamomere presentation on WaterAid and working with the government: