From August to 2000 to June 2001, the British Embassy in Angola has provided funding for a community publishing project in Huambo, coordinated and executed by the organization Development Workshop Angola (DW). The objective of the project was to develop a model of community publishing appropriate to the Angolan context to ensure better quality community research on human rights abuses. In partnership with the African Community Publishing Development Trust (ACPDT) in Zimbabwe, DW has reached the objective and developed a strong program that currently involves six community groups with some 150 members actively involved in research and publication activities.
Results of these activities can be observed on various levels:
- Publications, published or ready to publish: A monthly newsletter, a book on live stories, two literacy manuals, 10 community research activities, 6 published papers, a booklet of cartoons and 6 published interviews.
- Community initiatives: More active engagement of traditional leaders with local government structures, construction of 16 literacy class rooms, research and production of traditional medicine, dancing groups, and a community library.