More than a third of Luandans do not have access to drinking water. The informal water market in Luanda, pumping river water into water trucks to sell and then re-sell in city bairros, brings in more than 250 million dollars a year, according to a recent study by Development Workshop. On August 28, 2014 DW director and founder, Allan Cain, spoke to the Angola Field Group about the serious challenges of Community Water Management. Mr. Cain also launched a new video as part of his presentation. DW has been working for the last several years with the Ministry of Water and Energy on the development of a new national “Community Water Strategy”.
The policy was developed as part of the Angolan Government’s Water for All Program. MoGeCA promotes an approach involving local communities in the planning, construction and management of water points, as a basic strategy promoting local development. Community management is defined here as a form of cooperation between the community and the government – local authorities and the Provincial Directorate of Energy and Water (DPEA) – or local water companies. It aims to improve water supply to the population in a way that each actor promotes the sustainability and maintenance of water supplies.
A MOGECA book has been published and printed as result of DW´s more than 30 years working in the water sector, together with government structures. The book is a manual on Community Water Management and has become the Angolan National Policy on sustainable water management. Each book comes with a set of cards to be used at training to explain the target groups how to reach sustainable water and waste management in their communities.
Part 1: DW History
Part 2: Community Water Management
Part 3: Q & A
Video: City Voices – Alice & community water projects
Video: Integrated Community Water Project in Angola’s Peri-Urban Areas