With support from the Cities Alliance and co-funding from UKaid, the Tenure Security Facility Southern Africa project provides small-scale, targeted advisory services on incrementally securing tenure in slum upgrading initiatives. The project managed by Urban LandMark contributes to improved access to land for poorer people that, in turn, contributes to improved livelihoods, active citizenship and asset creation.
Development Workshop has engaged the Angolan Government on land tenure policy reform and is building municipal capacity in local land management and titling. Since the end of Angola’s civil conflict, DW has been working on land management in the Province of Huambo in research, advocacy, urban design, training of civil servants, land management and urban and housing development.
DW’s work in Huambo was presented as a case study within the Tenure Security Facility Southern Africa Project, which is working in 5 sites in Southern Africa, offering technical assistance. The overall project is geared to producing a Regional Guide and booklet with practice notes drawn from Angola, Mozambique and South Africa.