This publication reflects on promising practices that have emerged through the work of the Tenure Security Facility Southern Africa (TSFSA), funded by the Cities Alliance and UKaid. and which signal new approaches to securing tenure in informal settlements. It is intended to provide guidance to practitioners, officials and communities who are involved in informal settlement upgrading and who see the value of finding more routes into tenure security than the dominance of an ownership paradigm currently allows.
The project operated in six sites in Southern Africa with different partners:
• Angola: Development Workshop, an NGO based in Luanda
• Mozambique: Associação Nacional dos Municípios de Moçambique
(ANAMM) (the national association of municipalities) and the Cities
Alliance Country Programme
• eMalahleni, South Africa: Planact, an NGO working with the
Springvalley community
• Cape Town, South Africa: Sun Development Services, an NGO that has
been providing development support in Monwabisi Park
• Johannesburg, South Africa: Urban LandMark has provided support
over several years to the city’s Regularisation programme
• Malawi: CCODE, an NGO based in Lilongwe that works to improve the
quality of life of the poor.