UN Habitat Expert Group Meeting on Slum Upgrading Using Participatory and Inclusive Land Readjustment: Defining the Rules of the Game, December 3 to 4, 2013 in Nairobi. The increase in the number of slum dwellers and the proliferation of slums are the reflection of failed or inexistent urban policies. This poses serious challenges to governments and their responsibilities in ensuring the right of their citizens to adequate housing. Participatory and Inclusive Land Readjustment (PILaR) is based on the land value capture theoretical rationale and is one of the new initiatives of UN-Habitat highly supported by the Executive Director, Dr. Joan Clos. PILaR aims to promote the supply of serviced urban land through a negotiated process. It is in line with the concet of “planned city extension” that envisages ensuring land supply in a proactive manner, therefore before rapid urbanization turns growing and expanding cities into mega slums. The latter pertains to the prevention dimension of dealing with informal settlements.