The Angola Monitor covers the politics, economics, development,
democracy and human rights of Angola. It is published quarterly by
Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA). The Monitor is produced in English and Portuguese. ACTSA has published the Angola Monitor since the mid 1990s.
This issue covers in Political News: First census for 44 years, President accuses MPLA of inefficiency, Visit by Congolese President, Opposition call for local elections, MPLA and UNITA tensions increasing, Franco-Angolan relations warm, and US and Angola pledge to boost trade. In Economic News: New customs tariff for imported goods, Angola credit rating downgraded, bidding round announced for onshore oil, De Beers plans new diamond concession, and IMF call for greater financial transparency. In Human Rights News: Amnesty International criticise lack of progress on human rights, Angola hosts African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and radio journalist convicted for defamation. In Aid and Development News: Food security situation in Benguela and Kwanza Sul could worsen, African Development Bank to provide electricity loan and new Namibia border crossing planned.